Site Officiel Manga BoyZ® |
Player Characters – the Saviours of Humanity : The characters are amongst the survivors of the first alien assaults on Earth. When the enemy machines dumped green food bars and bottles of mauve liquid on the streets of Earth the characters, like thousands of others, devoured them. Scientists have since isolated a particular element in those drinks: Drine. This drug renders the majority of the human population obedient to the alpha waves emitted by the robot invaders. When they wish it, you become nothing more than a willing puppet in their hands. But for others, Drine has very particular physiological consequences, resulting in the fantastic abilities possessed by the characters. It would seem that these reactions to Drine are both physiological and psychic in nature; many different effects have been observed, which depend on the subject's social environment. Unusual physical traits are rare, though a Manga Boy/Girl character might, for example, possess blue, green or red hair... To play Manga Boyz, you take the role of a Savior of Humanity (SoH), a veritable hero whose realm of influence is nothing less than the entire Earth. You can choose from the following profiles. One of you will play the Secretary of NATO (SoN), who will act as storyteller. His role is described in the pages of Manga BoyZ. 7.Big Gun Ashigaru (Manga BoyZ 2) 8.Godzilla Joe/Jane (Manga BoyZ 2) 9.Vladivoss Boy/Girl (Manga BoyZ 2) 10.Shaolin Warrior (Manga BoyZ 2) 11.Shanghai Walker (Manga BoyZ 2) 12.Steel Cossack (Manga BoyZ 2) 13.War Medium (Manga BoyZ 2)
Informations légales : Le Jeu de Rôle Manga BoyZ est Copyright (c) 2008 Gabriel Féraud pour Le Grimoire, tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, de ce livre ainsi que son traitement informatique et sa transcription, sous n’importe quelle forme et par n’importe quel moyen électronique, photocopie, enregistrement ou autre, sont rigoureusement interdits sans l’autorisation préalable et écrite du titulaire du copyright et de l’éditeur. Achevé d’imprimé en France en Août 2008 par Elkotec à Palaiseau (France). Pour plus de renseignements sur l’univers de Manga BoyZ - le Jeu de Rôle, contactez : LE GRIMOIRE
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Manga BoyZ - Le Grimoire Tome 22 – Première Édition Octobre 2008 |
Site officiel Manga BoyZ © 2008-2013. Le Grimoire - Manga BoyZ® est une marque déposée par LE GRIMOIRE. - Editions Le Grimoire |