Overview :
2027 :
Aliens have invaded the Earth, enslaved its population with the drug Drine. Humanity's last hope is those few individuals who react strangely to Drine. Manga Boy, Quebec Killer and Panzer Kid are on the front lines of this cataclysmic struggle for freedom. These are heroes capable of incredible feats, their only advantage in the face of the biological and robotic arsenal of the Invaders from the Galaxy's Edge. Put on your Yokohama exoskeleton and save our beautiful planet from the galactic oppressor!
Player Characters
Resulting from the French passion for manga in recent years, Manga Boyz is both a book and a game. A coming series of mangas and supplements will create an entire universe very similar to our own. The basis of Manga Boyz is the extraterrestrial invasion of Earth – a classic theme in science-fiction. What sets Manga Boyz apart is its connection to our Earth, and those conflicts of the twenty-first century. The Grand Galactic Council have designated the human race a pest – we risk damaging our planet, and wasting its resources. And so the Council has granted our invaders permission to exterminate us. Yet this is nothing more than a political pretext to seize territory. Manga Boyz places its readers in our current context: war, global warming and natural disasters are all consequences of human activity.
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System :
The Manga Boyz world setting allows players to merge the manga dimension with French role-playing games. Its universe has been designed to allow players and gamesmasters to be daring in fluid, even cinematic, ways. The atmosphere switches from war movies (hunted resistance and armed conflict) to post-apocalyptic horror and paranoid secrecy (who are the invaders?), all while maintaining the manga spirit. Note that Manga Boyz is not a Mecha-combat game.
The game system is accessible both to novices and experienced players, and requires only a minimum of two six-sided dice. Manga Boyz hopes to attract amateur manga fans, and to bring them to role-playing.
Choosing from archetypes, player character creation and rules understanding takes no more than twenty minutes in total. Only the gamesmaster need read Manga Boyz in advance – though even here, the book is in a compact format, with many supporting examples to aid rules comprehension. An introductory scenario to the world of Manga Boyz is included.
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Scenarios :
The universe of Manga BoyZ is expanding through new scenarios and adventures entitled 'Missions'. The majority are listed in the dedicated section of the site.
Available Scenarios
The Gamesmaster (the Secretary of NATO), whether he is a novice or highly experienced, can easily incorporate these missions into the game. They require no more than around 20 minutes' preparation time each.